High School Musical: The Musical: The Series
The 10-episode scripted series, set as the real-life East High, where the original movie was filmed, follows a group of students as they countdown to opening night of their school's first-ever production of "High School Musical." With meta references and some docu-style elements, it's a modern take on the "classic" from 15 years ago. Show-mances blossom; friendships are tested, while new ones are made; rivalries flare; songs are sung; and lives are changed forever as these young people discover the transformative power that only high school theater can provide.
Joshua Bassett, Olivia Rodrigo, Kate Reinders, Sofia Wylie, Matt Cornett, Dara Reneé, Larry Saperstein, Mark St. Cyr, Frankie Rodriguez, Julia Lester -
- Winner - 2020 GLAAD Media Award for Outstanding Kids & Family Programming
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