"Kiff" is a nutty animated buddy-comedy about an optimistic squirrel Kiff and her chill bunny bestie Barry. From creators and executive producers Lucy Heavens and Nic Smal, the series follows Kiff and Barry as they navigate school, relationships and their often-eccentric community in Table Town, a world where animals and magical oddballs tackle day-to-day life together. Inspired by the people and places Heavens and Smal experienced when they were growing up in Cape Town, South Africa, each half-hour episode, comprised of two 11-minute stories, includes a new original song.
Kimiko Glenn, H Michael Croner, Deedee Magno Hall, Eric Bauza, Eugene Cordero, Gary Anthony Williams, James Monroe Iglehart, Josh Johnson, Kate Flannery, Katie Crown, Kent Osborne, Lauren Ash, Lucy Heavens, Mary Mack, Nic Smal, Nichole Sakura, Rachel House, Rhys Darby, Steve Little, Tom Kenny, Vella Lovell