Win or Lose
“Win or Lose,” Pixar Animation Studios’ first-ever original series, follows the intertwined stories of eight different characters as they each prepare for their big championship softball game. The series reveals what it actually feels like to be in the shoes of each character—the insecure kids, their helicopter parents, even a lovesick umpire—with incredibly funny, very emotional and uniquely animated perspectives. Directed, written and executive produced by Carrie Hobson and Michael Yates, and produced by David Lally.
Directed By
Carrie Hobson, Michael Yates -
Written By
Carrie Hobson, Michael Yates -
Produced By
David Lally -
Voice Cast
Will Forte, Rosie Foss, Josh Thomson, Milan Elizabeth Ray, Rosa Salazar, Dorien Watson, Izaac Wang, Chanel Stewart, Lil Rel Howery, Melissa Villaseñor, Jo Firestone, Flula Borg, Kyleigh Curran, Jaylin Fletcher, Erin Keif, Tom Law, Beck Nolan, Orion Tran, Rhea Seehorn
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