Star Wars: The Clone Wars
"Star Wars: The Clone Wars" chronicles the adventures of Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda, Ahsoka Tano and other favorite characters as they struggle against the dark side during the divisive, action-packed Clone Wars. The Jedi Order fights to restore peace to the galaxy by leading the Republic army of genetically engineered clones against the seemingly never-ending droid army of the Separatist Alliance commanded by the evil Count Dooku. Across hundreds of planets, the Republic forces face off against the Separatists with the future of the galaxy at stake. As the conflict grows, our heroes are swept further into the turmoil of war while Count Dooku, his assassin Asajj Ventress, their master Darth Sidious, the mechanical General Grievous and a rogue’s gallery of never-before-seen villains scheme to defeat them. Created by George Lucas, with Dave Filoni as Executive Producer/ Supervising Director, “Star Wars: The Clone Wars” stars Matt Lanter as “Anakin Skywalker,” Ashley Eckstein as “Ahsoka Tano,” Dee Bradley Baker as “Captain Rex” and the clone troopers, James Arnold Taylor as “Obi-Wan Kenobi,” Katee Sackhoff as “Bo-Katan,” Tom Kane as “Yoda,” and Sam Witwer as “Maul.”
Voice Actor
Matt Lanter, Ashley Eckstein, Dee Bradley Baker, James Arnold Taylor, Katee Sackhoff, Sam Witwer, Tom Kane
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