Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures
Set 200 years before “The Phantom Menace,” during the High Republic era, the animated series follows Jedi younglings as they study the ways of the Force, explore the galaxy, help citizens and creatures in need and learn valuable skills needed to become Jedi along the way. Produced by Lucasfilm in collaboration with Wild Canary for Disney+ and Disney Junior, “Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures” is executive produced by Lucasfilm’s James Waugh, Jacqui Lopez, and Josh Rimes. Michael Olson (“Puppy Dog Pals”) is showrunner and executive producer.
Supervising Director/Co-Producer
Elliot M. Bour -
Produced By
Jeannine Hodson -
Consulting Producer
Lamont Magee -
Piotr Michael, Jamaal Avery, Jr., Dee Bradley Baker, Juliet Donenfeld, Emma Berman, Jonathan Lipow