Morphle and the Magic Pets
Morphle and the Magic Pets is a preschool animated series following Mila, her stepbrother, Jordie, and her shapeshifting magic pet, Morphle. The trio uses their skills, smarts and imagination, to solve the town’s problems, keep magic pets out of mischief, and find “magic matches” for each of these unique and hilarious characters. Magic and comedy fuel their adventures, but in the end, it’s the power of friendship that turns Mila, Jordie, and Morphle into an unbeatable team.
Directed By
Jeff Astolfo -
Ben Pronsky, Lexie Foley, Ayden Elijah, Jeannie Tirado, Timothy John, Jenn Wong, Dino Andrade, Brent Mukai, Violet Sanfelippo